Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
Khadizatul Kobra Sonya

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya



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Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
6 Views · 3 months ago

Many of you asked me about the gears I use for video making. Well, here you go!

1. Samsung Galaxy A40
2. Hitchy 3110 Tripod
3. AGPTEK Lavalier microphone
4. CapCut video editor

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#VideoMaking #ContentCreation #Editing

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

This video contains my personal experience regarding the importance of teaching what one knows regardless of how small it may seem. It talks about the power of the internet when it comes to spreading positivity and reaching more people.

The three main messages of this video are as follows:
1. Try to teach what you know no matter how insignificant it seems to you.
2. Always try helping others.
3. Use the power of the internet, use it well.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Positivity #PowerOfInternet #StoryOfMyLife

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

#ShowYourWork #AustinKleon #OnlineTroll

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

ছোট্ট কিউট একটা বই। পড়ে মজা পাবেন। সহজ ভাষায় এবং বড় ফন্টে লেখার কারণে পড়তে সময়ও লাগবে না বেশি।
যারা প্রচুর ননফিকশন পড়েন তারা হয়তো নতুন কিছু না পেয়ে হতাশ হতে পারেন। তবে অনেকগুলো বইয়ের সারাংশ এই বইতে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে, এভাবে চিন্তা করলে পড়ে মজা পাবেন। আমার বেশ ভালো লেগেছে পড়ে।

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

In this video, I gave a list and summary of 10 easy reading English books. Anybody who wants to start reading English can start with these:

1. Who moved my cheese
2. Uncle Tom's cabin
3. Anything you want
4. Eat that frog
5. Dopamine Detox
6. Steal like an artist
7. The alchemist
8. The things you can see only when you slow down
9. A night at the call center
10. Atomic Habits

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Books #ReadingHabits #EasyEnglishBooks

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

Everything gets crazy in winter, specially the trees. It took me a while to accept this crazy winter effect.
This one is just a random clip about winter effect on trees. I don’t expect you to like it. This few minutes are nothing but some of my crazy thoughts about crazy winter.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

আপনারা যারা ফুল ভালোবাসেন ভিডিয়োটা তাদের জন্য। একটু সচেতনভাবে কিনলে এবং রাখার সময় কিছু ছোটখাটো বিষয় খেয়াল রাখলেই ফুল অনেকদিন ভালো থাকে।
যেমন: অতিরিক্ত পাতা ছেঁটে দেয়া, পানিতে চিনি মেশানো, ৪৫ ডিগ্রি কোণে নিচের অংশ কেটে নেয়া ইত্যাদি।

উল্লেখ্য, ঘরের ফুলকে কখনোই সরাসরি সূর্যালেকে রাখা যাবে না। অনেকেই পানি পরিবর্তন করে এবং নিচের অংশ অল্প অল্প করে কাটতে থাকে, যা আমি করি না। তারপরও অন্তত ৭-৮ দিন ফুল সতেজ থাকে। ব্যাপারটা মজার, তাই শেয়ার করা। আপনাদের আর কোনো আইডিয়া থাকলে আমার সাথে শেয়ার করতে পারেন।

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

So, here is the news:

1. Got my dream job (You have no idea how happy I am)!

2. Will be back on content creation (God, I missed it)!

3. Wanna help more students from my country (It's a goal and responsibility).

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

"This book speaks to anyone who is eager to build a more financially secure life, and it is timeless. It is just as spot-on today as it was generations ago."
Suze Orman

Here is the audio link incase you need:

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?

#MoneyManagement #WealthBuilding #TheRichestManInBabylon

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

#OutcomeBias #TheArtOfThinkingClearly #RolfDobelli

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

এই, হ্যালো!
আমি অনেককিছুর নাম বলেছি। হয়তো অনেককিছু বাদ পড়েছে। যেমন: কানটুপি, সানগ্লাস এবং হাতঘড়ির কথা এই মুহূর্তে মনে পড়ল। আমার লিস্টের ওপর পুরোপুরি ভিত্তি না করে আপনি যদি আরো মানুষজনের পরামর্শ নেন, তাহলে মনেহয় ভালো হয়।
আপনি দেশের বাইরে পাড়ি জমানোর আগে এই ভিডিয়োটা যদি আপনার একটুখানি হলেও কাজে লেগে যায়, তাহলেই আমার ভালো লাগবে। শুভকামনা আপনার জন্য।

#Shopping #StudyAbroad #Germany

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

The world treats you as you treat yourself.

Derek Sivers

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a cute little illustrated book that shares the journey of four friends and explains the importance of the most valuable things in life like friendship and love in the most beautiful way possible.

#bookreview #theboythemolethefoxandthehorse

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

Here are the things you need to remember:

1. Download DB app

2. Buy your ticket in advance

3. Always take early morning trip

4. Do not take immediate connection

5. Keep checking your DB app while travelling for any kind of updates

6. Carry some cash, food and water with you

7. Do not travel without a ticket

8. Keep your expectation low: German trains are never on time.

Happy travelling! :)

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