
Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
6 Views · 3 months ago

Many of you asked me about the gears I use for video making. Well, here you go!

1. Samsung Galaxy A40
2. Hitchy 3110 Tripod
3. AGPTEK Lavalier microphone
4. CapCut video editor

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#VideoMaking #ContentCreation #Editing

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

This video contains my personal experience regarding the importance of teaching what one knows regardless of how small it may seem. It talks about the power of the internet when it comes to spreading positivity and reaching more people.

The three main messages of this video are as follows:
1. Try to teach what you know no matter how insignificant it seems to you.
2. Always try helping others.
3. Use the power of the internet, use it well.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Positivity #PowerOfInternet #StoryOfMyLife

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

#ShowYourWork #AustinKleon #OnlineTroll

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

ছোট্ট কিউট একটা বই। পড়ে মজা পাবেন। সহজ ভাষায় এবং বড় ফন্টে লেখার কারণে পড়তে সময়ও লাগবে না বেশি।
যারা প্রচুর ননফিকশন পড়েন তারা হয়তো নতুন কিছু না পেয়ে হতাশ হতে পারেন। তবে অনেকগুলো বইয়ের সারাংশ এই বইতে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে, এভাবে চিন্তা করলে পড়ে মজা পাবেন। আমার বেশ ভালো লেগেছে পড়ে।

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

In this video, I gave a list and summary of 10 easy reading English books. Anybody who wants to start reading English can start with these:

1. Who moved my cheese
2. Uncle Tom's cabin
3. Anything you want
4. Eat that frog
5. Dopamine Detox
6. Steal like an artist
7. The alchemist
8. The things you can see only when you slow down
9. A night at the call center
10. Atomic Habits

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Books #ReadingHabits #EasyEnglishBooks

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

Everything gets crazy in winter, specially the trees. It took me a while to accept this crazy winter effect.
This one is just a random clip about winter effect on trees. I don’t expect you to like it. This few minutes are nothing but some of my crazy thoughts about crazy winter.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

আপনারা যারা ফুল ভালোবাসেন ভিডিয়োটা তাদের জন্য। একটু সচেতনভাবে কিনলে এবং রাখার সময় কিছু ছোটখাটো বিষয় খেয়াল রাখলেই ফুল অনেকদিন ভালো থাকে।
যেমন: অতিরিক্ত পাতা ছেঁটে দেয়া, পানিতে চিনি মেশানো, ৪৫ ডিগ্রি কোণে নিচের অংশ কেটে নেয়া ইত্যাদি।

উল্লেখ্য, ঘরের ফুলকে কখনোই সরাসরি সূর্যালেকে রাখা যাবে না। অনেকেই পানি পরিবর্তন করে এবং নিচের অংশ অল্প অল্প করে কাটতে থাকে, যা আমি করি না। তারপরও অন্তত ৭-৮ দিন ফুল সতেজ থাকে। ব্যাপারটা মজার, তাই শেয়ার করা। আপনাদের আর কোনো আইডিয়া থাকলে আমার সাথে শেয়ার করতে পারেন।

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

So, here is the news:

1. Got my dream job (You have no idea how happy I am)!

2. Will be back on content creation (God, I missed it)!

3. Wanna help more students from my country (It's a goal and responsibility).

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

"This book speaks to anyone who is eager to build a more financially secure life, and it is timeless. It is just as spot-on today as it was generations ago."
Suze Orman

Here is the audio link incase you need:

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?

#MoneyManagement #WealthBuilding #TheRichestManInBabylon

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

#OutcomeBias #TheArtOfThinkingClearly #RolfDobelli

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

এই, হ্যালো!
আমি অনেককিছুর নাম বলেছি। হয়তো অনেককিছু বাদ পড়েছে। যেমন: কানটুপি, সানগ্লাস এবং হাতঘড়ির কথা এই মুহূর্তে মনে পড়ল। আমার লিস্টের ওপর পুরোপুরি ভিত্তি না করে আপনি যদি আরো মানুষজনের পরামর্শ নেন, তাহলে মনেহয় ভালো হয়।
আপনি দেশের বাইরে পাড়ি জমানোর আগে এই ভিডিয়োটা যদি আপনার একটুখানি হলেও কাজে লেগে যায়, তাহলেই আমার ভালো লাগবে। শুভকামনা আপনার জন্য।

#Shopping #StudyAbroad #Germany

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

The world treats you as you treat yourself.

Derek Sivers

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a cute little illustrated book that shares the journey of four friends and explains the importance of the most valuable things in life like friendship and love in the most beautiful way possible.

#bookreview #theboythemolethefoxandthehorse

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

Here are the things you need to remember:

1. Download DB app

2. Buy your ticket in advance

3. Always take early morning trip

4. Do not take immediate connection

5. Keep checking your DB app while travelling for any kind of updates

6. Carry some cash, food and water with you

7. Do not travel without a ticket

8. Keep your expectation low: German trains are never on time.

Happy travelling! :)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

#Inspiration #Encouragement #HaeminSunim

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

We often say 'you are hot as hell'. I wonder if we could say 'you are beautiful as Hel'!

(Hel is a resort city in Poland and it's beautiful.)

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

বাসিলিকুম সালাদ হিসেবে খুবই বিখ্যাত। এর পুষ্টিমান এবং মিষ্টি সুগন্ধের পাশাপাশি গাঢ় সুবজ, জাঁকালো অবয়বের কারণে অনেকেই একে পছন্দ করে৷ আমি সেই অনেকের একজন।

ওকে বাসায় আনার পর থেকে আমি একদিনও ওর পাতা ছিঁড়িনি (ছেঁড়া উচিত)। আমি মূলত ওকে রাখছি ওর মিষ্টি সুগন্ধের জন্য। তাছাড়া এত গাঢ় সবুজ যে দেখলেই আমার মন ভালো হয়ে যায়।

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Elif Shafak is a painter who paints with words. The Forty Rules of Love is one of her masterpieces.
This book talks about love, friendship, Sufism, spirituality, and feminism. If you are in love with reading you will be in love with The Forty Rules of Love forever.

#TheFortyRulesOfLove #ElifShafak #Rumi

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

The Little Prince shows us how unique we are in the world. In his journey from planet to planet looking for a friend ends up meeting different individual adults who were busy minding their own business. Each individual adult represented a different human nature including greed, narcissism, loneliness, etc.
The Little Prince is a Masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exuoery. No matter how many times you read it, you will always find some new meaning sometimes even hope.

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

ইনি একজন পথশিল্পী। নাম মারভিন।
#LifeInGermany #StreetSinger

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

Should we really do what most people do? This video talks about 'social proof' which we use to get in the herd.
There is a tendency of doing things, saying things, even believing things just because most people are doing it. For example, spreading hate speech on social media. Why? Because most people are doing the same. Now the question is, if most people do something which is wrong, end of the day will it be right just because most people are doing it? No. What is the right thing to do, is the right thing to do even if nobody does it and vice versa.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#SocialProof #TheArtOfThinkingClearly #RolfDobelli

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

The Secret has been revealed!
#thesecret #lawofattraction #menifestation

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

এই ভিডিয়োর থাম্বনেইলে আমি যেই টাইটেল ব্যবহার করেছি, ওটা একটা কৌতুক! যেই বইয়ের এই মাথা থেকে ওই মাথা পর্যন্ত দাগিয়ে আমি ভরিয়ে রেখেছি, সেখান থেকে কেবল দশটা উক্তি বেছে নেয়া আমার পক্ষে সম্ভব না।
টাইটেলটা কেবল টাইটেলের জন্য ব্যবহার করেছি। বইটা আরো অনেক সুন্দর। যেই দশটা উক্তি আমি ব্যবহার করেছি, সেই দশটা উক্তির চেয়েও সুন্দর।

ভালো কথা, আপনি কি আমার চ্যানেলে নতুন? এই চ্যানেলে আমি দুনিয়ার সব হাবিজাবি জিনিস নিয়ে গল্প করি। সিরিয়াস কিছুই না।
বই আমার জীবনের একটা বড় অংশ। সেজন্য মাঝেমাঝেই আপনি আমাকে বই নিয়ে বকবক করতে শুনবেন। আপনি যদি বই ভালোবাসেন, তাহলে আমার সাথে থাকতে পারেন। কিন্তু আপনি যদি কেবল বই-ই ভালোবাসেন, তাহলে হতাশ হবেন। কারণ আজকে আমাকে বই নিয়ে কথা বলতে দেখলেও; কালকে হয়তো দেখবেন আমি গভীর মনোযোগের সাথে শুটকি মাছের গল্প করছি। মানে আমার যদি শুটকি মাছ নিয়ে কথা বলতে ইচ্ছে করে, তাহলে আমি সেটাই বলব।
সুতরাং, কেবল একটা কিছুর জন্য আমার চ্যানেলে আসলে, আপনার হতাশ হবার সম্ভাবনা আছে।

যাইহোক, আর একটা বাণী দিয়ে এই রচনা শেষ করে দিচ্ছি। এটা আমার ফেইসবুক পেইজের লিংক:
কখনো নীল রঙের ওই দুনিয়ায় আমাকে দেখতে ইচ্ছে হলে, উপরিউক্ত ঠিকানায় পাওয়া যাবে। এইতো! এতটুকুই!

পুনশ্চ: আমি যখন এই চিঠিটা টাইপ করছি, তখন বাইরে খুব ঝকঝকে রোদ। আমার মন খুব ভালো। আপনি যখন এই চিঠিটা পড়ছেন, তখন আপনার চারপাশের অবস্থা কেমন? আপনার মনের অবস্থা কেমন?


#BestQuotes #LoveForImperfectThings #HaeminSunim

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

One of the coolest decorating ideas I have ever seen. Thought you guys can use it. :)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

Here are the 3 takeaways from Man's Search For Meaning by Viktore Frankl:

1. No matter what the situation is you can always choose the way you gonna handle the sh*t. You do always have a choice.

2. Only losing hope means you have already lost the battle. As long as hope is there, you are not alone.

3. Do not do wrong to anyone, because a wrong has been done to you.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?

#Hope #Man'sSearchForMeaning #ViktoreFrankl

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

আমরা সাধারণত ঘরে যেসব গাছপালা রাখি সেগুলোর মধ্যে aloe vera ভীষণ রাকম ভাবে পৃথিবীজুড়ে জনপ্রিয়। কেন এই গাছটাকে মানুষ এত পছন্দ করে সেটা নিয়েই একটুখানি কথা বলার চেষ্টা করেছি।
ভিডিয়োর কোয়ালিটি এবং মাঝখানের যতসব অনাবশ্যক বিপর্যয় সত্বেও আশাকরি ভিডিয়োর মূল মেসেজটা আপনারা পাবেন।

#Aloevera #IndoorPlants #BenefitsOfAloeVear

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

I am in love with 'Tuesday's with Morrie'! I know people will talk about the lessons here but what impressed me the most is storytelling. Tuesdays with Morrie is one of those books that you can read over and over again. It's one of those book that everybody should read at least once in their life.

Here are the links I promissed in the video:

1. Movie on Morries life:

2. Morrie's television interview:

3. Mitch's speech:

I know I said it once in the video and I am saying it again here. Read the book first and then go through the links above.
Happy reading!

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

These are the 5 must-read books for boosting up your personal & professional life, productivity, and money management skills:

1. The things you can see only when you slow down by Haemin Sunim
2. How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes
3. Atomic Habits by James Clear
4. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson
5. Rich dad poor dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?

#MentalPeace #Productivity #MoneyManagement

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

বার্লিন গেট দেখতে বের হয়েছিলাম। গেট কী দেখব! হঠাৎ আমাদের দেশের রিকশা দেখে আমিতো রিকশার পেছনে ছুট!
বেশ কিছু রিকশা চালকের সাথে আড্ডা দিলাম। এটা সেটা জিজ্ঞেস করলাম। দুএকটা ভিডিয়ো ক্লিপ নিলাম। পরে বাসায় এসে ওগুলোর মধ্যে "ভয়েস ওভার" দিলাম। হলরুমে ভয়েস ওভার দেয়ার কারণে কথা প্রতিধ্বনি হচ্ছিলো! তাতে কী! বিদেশের বুকে নিজের দেশের রিকশা দেখার মজাটা আমি শেয়ার না করে পারলাম না।

এই ভিডিয়োটা আমার হাবিজাবি ভিডিয়োগুলোর একটা। যাইহোক, আপনি কি আমার চ্যানেলে নতুন? আপনার জন্য আমি অনেকদিন আগের কোনো এক তুষারভেজা সন্ধ্যাবেলায় একটা চিঠি লিখে রেখেছিলাম। চিঠিটা কী বুঝে যেন ইংরেজিতে লিখেছিলাম। এখনো ইংরেজিতেই আছে। নিচে দিয়ে দিলাম। সময় থাকলে পড়তে পারেন:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#LifeInGermany #Rickshaw #Germany

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

#Bachelor #Germany #HigherStudy

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

One-line description: Totto-chan is one of those books that nobody should miss.

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

When we become kinder to ourselves, we can become kinder to the world.

—Haemin Sunim

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#SelfCare #LoveForImperfectThings #HaeminSunim

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Steal Like an Artist is one of my favorite books. In this video, I tried to talk about chapter 08 which is Be Nice (The World Is A Small Town). It's really important to be a bit nicer I think! After all, it doesn't cost money, right?

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

Excitement is not fulfillment.
~Thibaut Meurisse

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)
#DopamineDetox #Focus #Productivity

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

''Someday'' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.

Tim Ferriss

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#The4HourWorkWeek #NewRich #TimFerriss

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

The third book of Before the Coffee Gets Cold series.

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

Here is my eid special:

1. Snake Plant: air purifying, low maintaining and a beautifully resilient indoor plant.

2. The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman: 366 meditations on wishdom, perseverance, and the art of living.

3. Thr 48 Laws of Power by Robert Green: The bestselling book for those who want power, watch power and want to arm themselves against power.

4. Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown: Mapping meaningful connection and the language og human experience.

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

This video is for students who want to peruse a bachelor degree in Germany. In this video, we tried to show the step by step procedure on what you need to get a German visa, how to choose a course and university for a bachelor programme in Germany.

There were lots of requests to make this video and we tried to give our best. That's all I can say for now.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#BachelorInGermnay #HigherStudy #Germany

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

#KeepGoing #GroundhogDay #AustinKleon #Productivity

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

আমি সম্ভবত খুব ছোট্ট কিছুর জন্য মারা যাবো
ছোট ঘাসফুলের জন্যে
একটি টলোমলো শিশিরবিন্দুর জন্যে
আমি হয়তো মারা যাবো চৈত্রের বাতাসে
উড়ে যাওয়া একটি পাঁপড়ির জন্যে
একফোঁটা বৃষ্টির জন্যে।
আমি সম্ভবত খুব ছোট্ট কিছুর জন্যে মারা যাবো
দোয়েলের শিসের জন্যে
শিশুর গালের একটি টোলের জন্যে
আমি হয়তো মারা যাবো কারো চোখের মণিতে
গেঁথে থাকা একবিন্দু অশ্রুর জন্যে
একফোঁটা রৌদ্রের জন্যে।
আমি সম্ভবতখুব ছোট্ট কিছুর জন্যে মারা যাবো
এক কণা জ্যোৎস্নার জন্যে
এক টুকরো মেঘের জন্যে
আমি হয়তো মারা যাবো টাওয়ারের একুশ তলায়
হারিয়ে যাওয়া একটি প্রজাপতির জন্যে
এক ফোঁটা সবুজের জন্যে।
আমি সম্ভবত খুব ছোট্ট  কিছুর জন্যে মারা যাবো
খুব ছোট একটি স্বপ্নের জন্যে
খুব ছোট দুঃখের জন্যে
আমি হয়তো মারা যাবো কারো ঘুমের ভেতরে
একটি ছোটো দীর্ঘশ্বাসের জন্যে
একফোঁটা সৌন্দর্যের জন্যে।

~ হুমায়ুন আজাদ

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition, not perfection.
~ James Clear

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)
#AtomicHabits #HabitBuilding #Productivity

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

Your love will not change anybody. If others change, it's because they want to change, not because you can change them.

Don Miguel Ruiz

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#TheFourAgreements #SelfHelp #MentalPeace

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Hourglass or sand watch is one of the craziest things in the world that reminds me how fast time is actually flying. There is only one word to explain a sand watch: AMAZING!
This is a random shot I took on one sunny day (had nothing better to do). Just wanted to let you know that I am fascinated by this cute little thing called sand watch.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#SandWatch #HourGlass #Time

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

''Before The Coffee Gets Cold will make you think about the age-old question: what would you change if you could travel back in time? More importantly, who would you want to meet, maybe for one last time?''

This book is not that catchy, it is rather simple. The storytelling is slow and yet at the end, you will get a message that might make you think differently about your life and the decisions you made in the past.
Let me be honest with you, it's a good book but surely not as good as people say.
#BeforeTheCoffeeGetsCold #ToshikazuKawaguchi #TimeTravel

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

এইযে, হ্যালো!
সব চ্যানেলের লিংক নিচে দিয়ে দিলাম। :)

১. IELTS with Liz
(ওনার চেহারায় একটা প্রশান্তির ভাব আছে। আমার দেখতে খুব ভালো লাগে। পড়ায়ও খুব ভালো।)

২. IELTS with Jay/ E2 IELTS
(I love the way Jay talks. I wish the videos were short though!)

৩. IELTS with Adam
(অ্যাডামের কন্টেন্ট খুব ভালো। অ্যাডামকে আমার পছন্দ।)

৪. IELTS with Emma
(এই মেয়েটার হাসি খুশি চেহারা আমার ভালো লাগে।)

(এটা কেবল writing-এর জন্য।)

৬. Papa English
(এই ভদ্রলোককে আমার ভীষণ পছন্দ।)

৭. ETJ English
(I watch his channel for no reason at all!)

৮. Let's Talk
(এটা ইন্ডিয়ান চ্যানেল। অ্যাকসেন্টে সমস্যা আছে। কারো বিরক্ত লাগলে এড়িয়ে যেতে পারেন।)

৯. Manjita Osta
(ওনার ভোকাবুলারির পোস্টগুলো দেখতে পারেন।)

১০. Vocabulary with Samin
(এই আপুটা আমাদের দেশের। এটা ওনার ইউটিউব চ্যানেলের লিংক।)
(এটা ফেইসবুক পেইজ।)

১১. Ellen Show
(I love this lady a lot! Never fails to make me smile!)

১২. Awkward Puppets
(IELTS নিয়ে পড়তে পড়তে মাথা খারাপ অবস্থা? চলেন কিছুক্ষণ হেসে নিই।)

১৩. IELTS Mentor
(স্পিকিং স্টেস্টের 'স্যাম্পল অ্যানসার' পড়তে পারেন এখান থেকে। যারা কী বলবেন 'আইডিয়া' পান না, তাদের কাজে আসবে।)

১৪. TED Talk
(আমি  সবসময় টেড টক শুনি। অনেক কিছু জানা যায়। আপনাদের লিসেনিংয়ে কাজে আসবে।)

১৫. IELTS Online Test
(এখানে ফ্রি মক টেস্ট দিতে পারবেন।)

১৬. When you say nothing at all!
(অনেকতো IELTS নিয়ে মারামারি হলো। আসেন এবার একটা গান শুনি!)

পুনশ্চ: এই চ্যানেলগুলোর বাইরে আপনি যদি আরো ভালো কোনো চ্যানেল পেয়ে থাকেন তাহলে কমেন্ট বক্সে অন্যদের সাথে লিংক শেয়ার করতে পারেন। আমরা একে অন্যকে সাহায্য করলে সবকিছু আরো অনেক সুন্দর এবং সহজ মনে হবে।

পুনশ্চ ২: আমার একটা ফেইসবুক পেইজ আছে। ওখানেও আমি ভিডিয়ো আপলোড করি। এইযে এখানে পাবেন:

পুনশ্চ ৩:
আপনার পরীক্ষা অনেক ভালো হোক। :)


Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

This video talks about one of my favourite books IKIGAI : Japanese secrets to a long and happy life by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.

I talked about the story behind writing this book in the beginning, meaning of IKIGAI and then continued with the four messages that I will always remember from this book:

1. Eat until your stomach is 80% full.
2. Never retire (stay busy with the work you love).
3. Focus on single task (no multitasking)
4. Practise gentle movement (walk, do your house chore)

There are two proverbs that Japanese believe in: Wabi-sabi and Ichi-go ichi-e

In a nutshell, wabi-sabi is the love for imperfect things and ichi-go ichi-e is about cherishing every single moment of our life.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#IKIGAI #JapaneseSecrets #MeaningOfLife

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

This video contains a description regarding how to build a habit of reading English books. The following four major obstacles that restrain us from reading English were explained in the beginning:

1. You think English is hard.
2. You don't know why you are reading this book.
3. You keep looking for the meaning of every single word.
4. You are not consistent.

Possible solutions are as follows:

1. Stop thinking, start reading.

2. Choose a book that is small, easy, and interesting.

3. Don't use a dictionary unless it’s necessary.

4. Be consistent, read every day.

5. Don't go hard on yourself, it's not your language.

6. Take your time, read with love
(It's not a race.)

7. Don't force yourself if you don't like the book.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#ReadingHabit #Books #EnglishBook

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

"Who Moved My Cheese" is one of my all-time favourite stories. If you ask me to name five of my favourite books, this one will definitely be one of them.

This simple and quick read story tells you the simple truth of the importance of change in your life. Dr Spencer Johnson says, nothing gets better until you change. I surely agree with him.

By reading this book you will learn how to:

1. Anticipate change

2. Adapt to change quickly

3. Enjoy change

4. Be ready to change quickly, again and again

I hope you enjoyed the video and will surely not miss the chance to buy and read this beautiful piece: Who Moved My Cheese? :)

Note: There are some explanations of the main story at the beginning and at the end of the book. I found that part extremely boring because the main story itself explains it very well. There was no explanation needed at all. I would recommend avoiding reading that boring parts. You can simply start with the story and end with it. Happy reading!

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#WhoMovedMyCheese #DrSpencerJohnson #Fable

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

In this video, I talked about five good and easy habits that you can start building from today.
The habits I talked about are :

1. Making your bed as soon as you get up.
2. Drinking water after waking up in the morning.
3. Carrying a water bottle all the time.
4. Doing at least one task for others (every day).
5. Learning something new (always).

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#BuildingHabits #Productivity #GoodHabits

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

Here are the 4 takeaways I discussed in the video:
1. Being rich and being wealthy is not the same thing.
2. No matter how much money we earn we should always put a lid on our expenses.
3. Showing off will not buy us respect.
4. We can always save more money than we think we can.

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Earning money is not a thing you do, it's a skill you learn.

Naval Ravikant

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#TheAlmanackOfNavalRavikant #Wealth #Happiness

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

বইটা পড়ে কেমন লাগল তা আমাকে জানাতে ভুলবেন না যেন!

#AnythingYouWant #DerekSivers #Happiness #BookReview

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

স্টুডেন্ট থাকাকালীন আপনি একটা পার্ট টাইম এবং একটা মিনি জব করতে পারবেন। দুইটা জব করলে পড়াশোনার বারোটা বেজে যাবে তারপরও অনেকে করে।

যাইহোক, ট্যাক্স কাটার পর পার্টটাইম জব থেকে মোটামুটি হাজার খানেক ইউরো আয় হবে। দুইটা জব করলে সবকিছু কাটার পর মোটামুটি তেরো থেকে পনেরশো ইউরোর মতো আয় হয়। এটা একটা গড় নাম্বার। শিক্ষার্থীরা এরচেয়ে অনেক বেশি কিংবা কমও আয় করে।

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

এটা একটা মজার ব্যাপার। পছন্দের সবকিছু এবং সবার ক্ষেত্রে আমরা ছাড় দিয়ে দিই। Liking Bias-এ পড়ে করব না, খাব না, যাব না, কিনব না করেও আমরা ঠিকই কাজটা করি, খাবারটা খাই, যেখানে যাওয়ার নয় সেখানে যাই, যা কেনার নয় তাও কিনে নিয়ে আসি।
জিজ্ঞেস করতে ইচ্ছে করছে, আপনাদের মধ্যে এমন কেউ কি আছেন যে কখনো Liking Bias-এ পড়েননি?
#LikingBias #TheArtOfThinkingClearly #RolfDobelli

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

''This is the journey of surviving through poetry. This is the blood, sweat, tears of twenty-one years. This is my heart in your hands.''
~ Rupi Kaur

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

এটা আমার ভীষণ পছন্দের একটা বই। আপনি যদি বইটা পড়ে থাকেন তাহলে অবশ্যয়ই আমাকে জননাবেন যে পড়ে আপনার কেমন লাগল।
#BookReview #Life #HaeminSunim

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

This video is about the story behind the daffodil/narcissus flower. The people who are obsessed with themselves are called narcissists.  The term 'narcissism' came from well-known Greek mythology where a hunter named Narcissus gets obsessed with his own reflection and dies nearby a river. In the memory of Narcissus, the Goddesses of the river created a flower which is commonly known as the daffodil/narcissus flower.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Narcissism #Daffodil #Narcissus

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

The secrete to making people like you is showing how much you like them!

Leil Lowndes

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#HowToTalkToAnyone #LeilLowndes #CommunicationHacks

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

This book chapter here explains the ways of attracting things in your life. According to Rhonda Byrne there are 3 ways to apply the secret (law of attraction) in your life.

1. Ask: ask for what you want.
2. Believe: Believe what you want is yours.
3. Receive: Visualise yourself receiving what you wanted.

#bookreview #thesecret #lawofattraction

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

Japanese believe if you follow these ten rules you will live a happy, healthy, and long life:

1. Stay active and don't retire
2. Take it slow
3. Don't fill your stomach
4. Surround yourself with good friends
5. Get in shape for your next birthday
6. Smile
7. Reconnect with nature
8. Give thanks
9. Live in the moment
10. Follow your IKIGAI

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#IKIGAI #Happiness #Longivity

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

''This book will help you think a little bit more clearly about what you are choosing to find important in life and what you are choosing to find unimportant. I believe that today we are facing a psychological epidemic, one in which people no longer realize it's okay for things to suck sometimes. I know that it sounds intellectually lazy on the surface, but I promise you, it's a life/death sort of issue.''
~ Mark Manson

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Selfhelp #BitterTruth #Focus

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
0 Views · 3 months ago

In this video I talked about six steps preparing for higher education abroad. The steps are as follows:

1. Choose the course and note down the requirements.

2. Apply for new passport or renew the old one if necessary.

3. Start preparing for IELTS, GRE, SAT or whatever you need as soon as possible.

4. Collect all the main certificates.

5. Collect any other certificates that might be useful.

6. Networking.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#HigherStudy #StudyAbroad #StudyPlan

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

1. Check your professor's profile.
2. Get a clear idea about the research they are running currently.
3. Write e-mail to your professors and to their whole team individually showing your interest.
4. Talk to your friends, classmates, seniors, juniors who are already doing a research assistant job at the university.

Good luck! :)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

Kaizen is a Japanese method for transforming habits, one small step at a time. It is a noun that means good change or improvement.
In this book, Sarah Harvey tried to encourage you to apply Kaizen in every sector of your life. She mainly focused on sharing her own journey of practicing Kaizen everywhere including health, work, home, relationships, etc.
There are some beautiful Japanese proverbs that caught my eye. One of the proverbs is ''a kind word can warm three winter months.'' Who knows, maybe that kind word for your next three winter months is hidden somewhere in this book!
If you are someone who loves Japan and its culture, you will enjoy reading Kaizen. However, except for the word Kaizen, you might already know all the ideas shared in this book. :)

#Kaizen #HabitBuilding #JapaneseCulture

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
3 Views · 3 months ago

Here are the 8 tips you can practice to build a habit of reading books:

1. Follow the people who are in love with books.
2. Find a genre that you love/need.
3. Start with something easy and simple reading.
4. Always keep a pencil and a marker with you.
5. Keep a book next to your hand.
6. Fix your reading goal. Fix a time and place as well.
7. Carry a book everywhere you go.
8. Use your social media accounts to show off a little.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?

#Reading #Books #ReadingHabit

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

I had a small problem. It had to do with my clothes. I was dressed casually as is my wont and wearing slippers- not by any standards of etiquette, suitable attire in which to meet the Prime Minister! When I told Prof. Dhawan about this problem, he told me not to worry about my dress. ''You are beautifully clothed in your success,'' he quipped.

APJ Abdul Kalam
Wings of Fire (an autobiography)

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

এই, হ্যালো!
আমি আশা রাখি আমার আজকের এই ভিডিয়োটা আপনাকে ভবিষ্যতে জার্মানিতে পড়তে আসার ব্যাপারে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে অল্প হলেও সাহায্য করবে। শুভকামনা আপনার জন্য।

আপনি যদি আমার চ্যানেলে নতুন হোন এবং কোনো ধারণাই না থাকে যে আমি কে বা কী নিয়ে কথা বলি; তাহলে আপনার জন্য কোনো এক তুষার মোড়ানো সন্ধ্যাবেলায় লিখে রাখা নিচের এই চিঠিটা পড়ে দেখতে পারেন:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#HigherStudy #Germany

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

How to stop time: Kiss
How to travel in time: Read

—Matt Haig

I started reading this book while traveling to Poland with a higher level of expectation. I thought it would be something adventurous, something joyful. Well, it was quite the opposite. There was a time when I literally thought 'this guy is gonna ruin my trip'. I Couldn't relate to Matt because I have never been suffering from depression and he was not quite a writer who could touch the readers with his suffering in words. I am sorry, but yes, that's exactly how I felt at least in the beginning. However, the end was different and I was happy that reading this book was not a waste of time after all! There was light at the end of the tunnel.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want:

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God's sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Hope #MentalHealth #ReasonsToStayAlive

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

You gonna have some quality time with Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon. No matter who you are or what you do, this book is for you!

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
2 Views · 3 months ago

I tell stories about books, I don't review them.
This one is a beautiful story about a beautiful book, Man's Search For Meaning by Viktore Frankl.

This one is about the beauty of hope over the torture of a concentration camp. This one is about finding a 'Why' in life and managing any 'How'. I hope you gonna enjoy the story.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#Man'sSearchForMeaning #Inspiration #ViktoreFrankl

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

#TimeManagement #ShowYourWork #AustinKleon #SocialMediaTips

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

#Self-ServingBias #TheArtOfThinkingClearly #RolfDobelli

Khadizatul Kobra Sonya
1 Views · 3 months ago

I don't review books, I tell stories about them.
Here is the story of one of my favourite books, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. To be honest, I have nothing to describe in this description box here, the video itself is enough and I believe you gonna love it.

If you are new to this channel and have no idea about who I am or what do I do here, please read the letter I wrote to you on one snowy evening below:

Good to see you here!

I am Sonya, the storyteller! No matter what kind of story you like, I have everything in my magical bag.
I can change your mood even without letting you notice, I can make you laugh, even cry (trust me, I can, though I don’t want to)! Whether you are having a good day or a bad one, you can always come to me. I will always be here to tell you stories you like. All you have to do is be good* and listen!

*Yeah, like Santa my gifts (stories) are for good kids only!

So that's all about it! I am done giving the speech. Now?
It'ssss storyyyy timeeee! Keep listening!

Oh, I have one more storytelling stage on Facebook. I guess you have already been there. If not, you are welcome to find me here anytime you want :

See you soon with new stories! Till then keep spreading happiness and keep smiling. (For God sake don't forget to smile. I wouldn’t mind if you forget your name, but, please, don't forget to smile, okay?)

#TheAlchemist #PauloCoelho #FollowingYourDreams